Friday, April 10, 2009

A week in review....

Apparently my stubbornness won out in the battle against germs--not sick! Realistically, I was probably just feeling the consequences of allergies and lack of sleep (not that that combo isn't any worse!). I've been nice to myself since last week, but haven't slowed the training!

I ran my first 10-mile race on Sunday, the Cherry Pit 10-Miler in Edgewater, MD. The weather was GORGEOUS, mid-60's, sunny and breezy. The course was all hills, which made it significantly more challenging than a flat 10 miles, obviously. I knocked out the first two miles at 9:00/mi. pace, then slowed to 9:50/10:00 for 3-7. At mile 7 I ran into some hydration issues, which slowed me down and made for rough running the last leg of the race. My official race time is 1:45:24, which is actually only about 7 minutes slower than I would have liked. All in all, a great race.

I also swam my first mile this week! I went to the pool Weds. afternoon and cranked out 76 lengths like nothing. It was faaantastic! I'm going to start working in some speed work to make my swimming more challenging and hopefully build more speed and stamina.

I took Monday off, theoretically because it was after Sunday's race, but really because I was just exhausted! Tuesday I ran 4.5 at a 9:30/mi. pace and then did kickboxing after work. Wednesday I swam and made it to the gym in time for pilates. only for my instructor to be stuck in was tres triste! Yesterday I ran 6.4 mi. with Crystal at an 8:50/mi. pace (that's crazy fast for me!!!), and it felt great. I've been having some nerve pain and sciatica issues the last couple days, but I'm going to chalk it up to having missed two pilates sessions in a row before I start to get any kind of concerned. I slept in this morning, but am planning on the gym for upper body weights and some elliptical/arc-trainer time.

I still need your help fundraising!



Friday, April 3, 2009

I refuse to be sick!

So pilates went well on Wednesday, and after a late night out with the boys, I got up Thursday morning and ran a GREAT 6 miles with Crystal.

Unfortunately, around the middle of the day yesterday, I began to recognize that nagging tickle in my throat...I skipped out on my first class to sleep, but made it through my second. I was in bed by 10:15 and out cold within a few minutes.

I woke up at 5:45 this morning to hit the gym for weights and cross-training, but decided that sleep would better serve me. I'm not sure if I'll lift weights after work, but it looks like I'll be meeting Crystal at the pool at some point tonight...we'll see. I have the Cherry Pit 10 Miler on Sunday, so sick isn't an option!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

LSD vs. Speed

So Monday I took off from training (due, largely, to a late night out on Sunday and an anticipated long day because of class and ASG on Monday).

Tuesday morning I was *supposed* to meet my friend Barry to run (he has to pass a physical fitness test next week), but he slept through his alarm(s), and I was left to my own devices. This meant that I ran a very fast (for me) 2 miles and went home limping from shin pain. Kickboxing was tragically cancelled (bad day at work meant I was REALLY looking forward to it), so I met with Barry Tuesday evening to run. We ran/walked 2 miles and by the time we were done, I was in PAIN. Clearly, at this point, my body would rather run a longer distance at a slower pace, than to run a short distance focused on speed. (Hence the title.)

This morning I met my swimming partner at the pool and cranked out 70 lengths (next week I'll hit 1 mile!!!). I totally still smell like chlorine, but I did enjoy swimming first thing in the morning.

Tonight I have pilates, and hopefully a relatively early bedtime.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Let it rock, let it rock, let it rock!

So I took Friday off out of pure exhaustion, and went to bed around 9pm (oh so lovely!).

Saturday was a nice drizzly 40-something outside when we started our TNT run at 8AM, but the rain stopped after the first 45 minutes or so. My first seven miles were kind of rough; I just felt ought of sorts. My mentor, John, ran the last 5.5 miles with me and really pushed me through (Thanks, John!). I ran my total of 12.5 miles in 2:16 which is pretty damn good considering that I walked far more than I normally do.

Sunday I just did pilates with Neci at the gym, then had to scurry back downtown to see a friend's fashion show (which I ended up missing!). The weather was teasingly beautiful yesterday, too! Sunny, 70s, b-e-a-u-tiful!

Next weekend I have the Cherry Pit 10 Miler with fellow TNTer Katie, and I'm hoping to knock it out in under 1:45, or better. This will be my first long race, so we'll see how the pressure of race day affects me!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Great Wednesday, Even BETTER Thursday!

So, despite missing Tuesday's make-up run on Wednesday morning, I did fairly well in pilates (Neci, of course, would disagree), and then hit the pool. I did 60 lengths! Only two more sessions and I'll be at a mile (76 lengths)--so exciting!

While I was at the pool, the girl in the lane next to me overheard me talking to Jim about my upcoming races and asked what sort of events I do. I then got to pull out my ear-to-ear grin that goes along with saying, "Marathon," and tell her that I'm running with Team in Training for my first marathon. Turns out that she does triathlons, so we swapped woes on swimming vs. running and the illusory biking portion. It was just interesting because a few weeks ago some friends were trying to get me thinking in tri-mode...I am still thinking about buying a bike as it warms up (it would probably be quicker to get to work, interestingly enough), so we'll see. One major life event at a time...

So yesterday was bizarrely cool. I had the wrong contact in my right eye, so couldn't see half the morning (this after not getting up to run because I'd been up late working on my thesis), and then it tore mid-afternoon, so I left work at 3. That sounds bad, but it was great! I made it home in time to grab a snack, run 5 miles (at a 9:00 pace, no less!!!), shower, and get to class. LOVED it!

It would be phenomenal to just be able to do school and training... ::sighs::

Hope all is well with everyone!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Can't Seem to Wake Up

The last few days have been rough; I haven't been able to muster the energy to get out of bed in the mornings, so Monday I made my "off" day, yesterday I missed running (but did work hard in Kickboxing...wound up talking post-class and therefore not running), and couldn't wake up again this morning, so I missed my make-up run.

I'm hitting the gym tonight for power pilates, then the pool for 60 (!) laps. Tomorrow morning I HAVE to get up and run!!!

I stopped drinking coffee for about 4 weeks, and I think that may be affecting me, so I had my first cup since I quit this afternoon. Definitely more awake and concentrated, so I think I'm back in the Coffee-Addicts club.

I wish I had an hour for lunch...then I could run on lunch breaks...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Recap & Updated Race Schedule

Sorry I've neglected for a few days! I was in San Diego and Vegas most of last week, so I wasn't near a computer. I ran once while I was out of town, probably no more than 2.5 miles (I'd been on the beach all day and it was hot!).

Friday I hit the gym hard after work: squats, lunges, leg weights and 45 minutes on the Arc-Trainer.

Saturday I was planning to just mosey on the elliptical for a while, since my TNT run was on Sunday this weekend. BUT, one of my TNT teammates was planning to run 7 mi. alone, so I ran with her instead.

Sunday's run was rough, taking into consideration the weights on Friday and the 7 miles (which went really well) on Saturday. I was supposed to do 10 again, but cut myself off at 8, and walked more than I wanted to (I've gotten pretty consistent about only walking at water stops). So I put in 15 miles this weekend, which wasn't shabby. Oh, I then went to pilates after my 8 miler yesterday--can we say ouch?

I'm walking like an old woman today...

Race schedule:

Sunday, April 5: Cherry Pit 10-Miler (Edgewater, MD)
Saturday, April 25: Run-A-Muck 5K (Rockville, MD)
Sunday, May 3: Frederick Half Marathon (Frederick, MD)
Sunday, May 31: ZOOMA Half Marathon (Annapolis, MD)

If you haven't yet, please donate!

